
Non-uniform Hierarchical Geo-consistency for Multi-baseline Stereo

conference » crv
Marc-Antoine Drouin , martin-trudeau , Sébastien Roy
Mots-clés: discontinuités de profondeur , multi-caméra , pyramides , stéréo
Date : 2007-05


We propose a new and flexible hierarchical multi-baseline stereo algorithm that features a non-uniform spatial decomposition of the disparity map. The visibility computation and refinement of the disparity map are integrated into a single iterative framework that does not add extra constraints to the cost function. This makes it possible to use a standard efficient stereo matcher during each iteration. The level of refinement is increased automatically where it is needed in order to preserve a good localization of boundaries. While two graph-theoretic stereo matchers are used in our experiments, our framework is general enough to be applied to many others. The validity of our framework is demonstrated using real imagery with ground truth.
