An omnistereo pair of images enables depth perception all around the observer. Because omnistereo lenses or mirrors do not yet exist, capturing an omnistereo video would require using several stereo cameras at different baseline orientations. This paper presents a multi-take capture method for creating high-resolution omnistereo videos at an affordable cost: only two standard cameras and a tripod are required. The method combines multiple stereo takes, where each take follows some action within the field of view, an actor for instance. Internal camera parameters are first calibrated by capturing a static omnistereo background. Each frame of each take is then pasted on the background at a position estimated by feature tracking. The paper provides a detailed description of the steps of the method. It also provides an analysis of parallax which results from the off-axis camera rotation. Parameters for the method are chosen to minimize artifacts that arise from this parallax. The method is intended to be applied in a relatively controlled space like a movie set, where the action in each take is within the field of view of the cameras.