
Unstructured Light Scanning to Overcome Interreflections

conference » ICCV
Nicolas Martin , Sébastien Roy , Vincent Chapdelaine-Couture
Mots-clés: 3d scanning , unstructured light
Date : 2011-11


Reconstruction from structured light can be greatly affected by interreflections between surfaces in the scene. This paper introduces band-pass white noise patterns designed specifically to reduce interreflections, and still be robust to standard challenges in scanning systems such as scene depth discontinuities, defocus and low camera-projector pixel ratio. While this approach uses unstructured light patterns that increase the number of required projected images, it is up to our knowledge the first method that is able to recover scene disparities in the presence of both scene discontinuities and interreflections. Furthermore, the method does not require calibration (geometric nor photometric) or post-processing such as dynamic programming or phase unwrapping. We show results for a challenging scene and compare them to correspondences obtained with the well-known Gray code and Phase-shift methods.
